Topics of the conference

Mechanism pumping water on a weel inTimia oasis ( Aïr mountains, Niger)

Changement global themes

Evolution of rainfall index for the Middle Niger River Basin (Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger) from 1957 to 2015

Erosion transport de sédiments themes

This acacia should be uprooted by the ongoing evolution of a big gully in the “Dieri”area, on the Senegalese bank of Senegal River valley (near Ndioum)

Eco hydrologieCôtière themes

The Guinea Bissau mangrove, on the Rio Mansôa lower valley

EauSantéBiodiversitéBassins themes

Garbage dump in Gorée Island, in the Dakar natural Harbour; the city appears in the background


Manantali Dam, on Bafing River, the main upper Senegal river branch


Small irrigation system for onions fields in the Bandiagara plateau (central Mali). The soil was often carried on there by the Dogon peasants

distribution deau par secteur et par pays themesDistribution de la consommation d’eau par pays et secteur d’activité  Source FAOSTAT, année 2005

Etiage basses eaux

A well in a Northern Benin village

Effet du sarclage sur le ruissellement themes

Effect of tillage on runoff (upper hillslope near Tondi Kiboro, Fakara area, Niger): runoff applies elsewhere except where tillage was realised

Topics are not limited to the above

Even if a particular attention is paid to presentation focusing on the hydrology of African Large River basins, an opening is provided to work on large river basins around of the world. This promotes the exchange of experience in the approaches used in the general problem of large river basins.

The organizing committee will contact journals for publishing set of paper in regular or special issues.

Languages of the Conference are French and English.



